Fasting And Your Spirit: The Transformative Benefits You Need To Know

Why Do We Fast?

Matthew 6:16-18

“And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

We know from this passage that we don’t fast for others to see us. We don’t fast for self-centered reasons. We don’t fast to receive an earthly reward. We fast so that our Father in Heaven would see us and reward us.

It’s not that God doesn’t see us when we don’t fast, but when we do fast, we humble ourselves before God, and He is pleased to reward us with the ultimate reward of knowing Him more. I think back to Jeremiah 29:13 where it says:

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

When we are willing to put down our flesh, fast, and seek God, He will see our humility and desire to know Him, and He will be eager to reward us.

So why do we fast? Ultimately, it’s to draw closer to our Heavenly Father. This doesn’t mean that we exclude fasting for physical reasons. If you have an illness or a physical condition that you can treat with fasting, then go for it, but don’t do it outside of the confines of knowing Him more. Because what matters more than receiving healing in your flesh is receiving more of the Holy Spirit. Nonetheless, He will reward your flesh also because of His love and grace towards you.

What Does the Bible Say About Fasting?

Who Fasted and Why?

  • Moses was the first recorded fast in the Bible. He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, and not just once, but twice! He fasted on the top of Mount Sinai, where God met him and gave him the Ten Commandments to inscribe on the two stone tablets. God miraculously sustained Moses in this time, as he not only fasted from food but water also.
  • Daniel also fasted. Daniel didn’t do a complete fast, but he fasted from meat, wine, and all the delicacies of the time, leaving him with only vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. He fasted to honor God and not submit to the impurity of the king’s command. The second time he fasted, he was mourning an intense vision he had from the Lord.
  • Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights before He started His ministry. During this fast, the devil tempted Him, and Jesus overcame by the Word of God at every point.
  • Jesus’ disciples fasted until the day of Pentecost as they waited for the promise of God to come—the Holy Spirit.

How and Why Did Jesus Fast?

We know Jesus fasted from food, but the scripture doesn’t explicitly say He didn’t fast from water also. He fasted for 40 full days. He fasted because He had to be tempted at every point and overcome the enemy.

Jesus also showed us the formula for overcoming the enemy. Even when our flesh is at its weakest, our spirit can be so alive and able to overcome anything. The way we overcome, as shown by Jesus, is by the Word of God. At every temptation the enemy brought, Jesus returned with the Word.

To the temptation to eat, Jesus quoted:

“Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

When we feed on the Word of God, we feed our spirits, and we are truly alive.

God’s Purpose for Us Fasting

He Wants Us to Draw Closer to Him

Oftentimes, our flesh gets in the way of our relationship with God. If we aren’t careful, the flesh will rule over us. Sin’s desire is to have us. But we have the keys to overcome and rule over the flesh. We are in this world, but we are not of this world. We are of a greater kingdom—an everlasting kingdom.

When we fast, we are ruling over the flesh. We are showing ourselves that we don’t need this world and the comforts of this world to be alive and well.

He Wants Us to Depend on Him

When we fast, we are realigning ourselves with the truth that God is all we need. And when we do this, it’s not that God wants to be with us because we fast; it’s that we posture our own hearts to be ready to be in His presence and know Him more.

He loves it when we fast—not because we are abstaining from food, but because we are putting our attention towards Him. We are depending on Him rather than food or something else. He wants our full devotion and dependency on Him. Not because He is a selfish King, but because when we are His, we are free, we have life, we have peace, and everything else the world doesn’t offer us.

To remove Distractions 

God desires our full attention.

God wants our eyes to be solely focused on Him. The King James Version of Matthew 6:22 says:

“When your eye is single, then your whole body is healthy.”

Referring to your belief and your view—when your view is single to the Lord and His kingdom, then your whole body and life will be full of health and light.

Different Types of Spiritual Fasts

Water Fast

Water fasting is the most popular form of fasting for good reason. In many ways, it’s the easiest one to do. All you have to worry about is not eating food and only drinking water. Pretty simple! Nonetheless, it is still difficult.

Dry Fasting

Dry fasting is one of the hardest fasts to do. It is also one of the most dangerous, so do this one solemnly and with wisdom. You should really only do this if the Holy Spirit prompts you to. This is where you drink nothing and eat nothing for a period of time.

Entertainment Fast

Entertainment fasting is when you fast from a specific or all forms of entertainment so that you can give more attention to God. For many, this may be deleting Instagram and TikTok off your phones. It may be putting your Xbox or PlayStation in the box for a while. Whatever entertainment is taking a lot of your attention, that is what you would give up in this kind of fast.

(For more on the physical benefits of fasting, check out my previous post on fasting and your body!)

How to Apply It to Your Spiritual Walk

Pray and Seek the Lord

Pray and ask God if He is calling you to fast. Ask Him if there is any area of your life that needs pruning and be obedient to Him.

Prepare Your Heart

Prepare your heart when going into a fast. Have a posture of worship and a posture to receive during your fast. Have a heart that is soft to Him.

Set Intentions

  • Write down what God has revealed to you in prayer.
  • Identify areas in your life that need transformation.
  • Establish a plan for prayer and Scripture reading during the fast.

James 4:2 – “You do not have because you do not ask.”

Be intentional. Ask God for what you need and trust that He will provide.

Fasting draws us nearer to God, and He faithfully rewards those who seek Him. What amazing God we Serve! He loves us deeply and desires the best for us. Let us fast with this truth in mind.

If you have any questions about fasting or testimonies of how God has moved in your life through fasting, feel free to message me—I’d love to hear your story and help however I can!


  1. English Standard Version Bible. (2001). Wheaton, IL: Crossway.
  2. Prayer Prompt. (n.d.). 50 powerful fasting and prayer scriptures.

1 thought on “Fasting And Your Spirit: The Transformative Benefits You Need To Know”

  1. Imoana Amadeo

    Love this post. When I think of fasting I think of food and drinks only. Thanks for sharing. I’m looking forward to reading more.

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